Financial Forecast Models

The Financial Projection Model and Future Predictions:

“I never think of the future. It comes soon enough.

Albert Einstein, 1879-1955


An entrepreneur knows that funding is needed to finance his new company.  The entrepreneur MUST think of the future to secure the funding he needs.  Unfortunately, an entrepreneur often doesn't know how to determine what level of funding is needed.  He needs a financial forecast 3-statement projection model.  

Financial Forecasting Models from Anderson Financial Services (AFS):

  • Help the entrepreneur determine what funding is needed and why

  • Provide a 3-statement framework to project future operations and capital needs

  • Follow general accounting practice guidelines

  • Are a valuable tool to prepare financial projections demanded by potential investors  

The Financial Forecasting Models from AFS (the Models) are designed for entrepreneurs.  The Models are:

  • Low cost

  • Invaluable in helping an entrepreneur respond to potential investors

  • Available in projection granularity period of years, quarters or months

  • All Models span a standard 5 year total projection period  

(Why a time horizon of 5 years?  See here.)

The Financial Forecast 3-Statement Projection Model and the Investor:

Generally, a financial projection model is used to predict operations of an entrepreneur's new company for a potential investor.  It will capture the estimated profitability and financial operations of the new company for the years ahead.  Before investing, an investor will carefully assess many outputs of the model, including, the projected profitability of the new company, the company's estimated funding requirements and to assess the believability of the estimates, she will carefully assess the entrepreneur himself!  Specifically, the "model outputs" and their credibility will have a major impact on obtaining financing for the new company. 

The entrepreneur must prepare the projection model with these investor actions in mind.  Accordingly, all AFS financial models contain a framework upon which the operational features of the new business will depend.   

All AFS financial forecast 3-statement models are here.  

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