M50001 Forecast Model - Annual
The Anderson Financial Services (AFS) Forecast Model is a detailed Excel workbook containing the 3 primary financial statements: Income Statement (IS), Balance Sheet (BS) and Statement of Cash Flows (CF)
The 3 statements are "wired" together to project company operations for 5 years
Annual projection granularity
Sales Driver Example: Manufacturing
The Model supports working capital projection
Estimated Investor Returns

M50001 IS Tab
Added Detail
The Anderson Financial Services (AFS) Forecast Model is a detailed Excel workbook containing the 3 primary financial statements: Income Statement (IS), Balance Sheet (BS) and Statement of Cash Flows (CF).
The AFS Forecast Model has "wired" the IS, BS and CF statements together so that a truer estimate of future business performance can be obtained. Unique characteristics of your business must be entered manually into the AFS Financial Model. Examples include the underlying drivers of revenue, or the components of corporate overhead. However, once entered and projected forward, the AFS Financial Model projects the levels of cash expected over the projection period.
The AFS Financial Model includes:
IS and supporting detail schedules
BS and supporting detail schedules
Projected CF
5 year projection period for all schedules
Working capital modeling of Inventory, Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable
Fixed asset and depreciation modeling
On-line training is available.
M50001 IS Detail Tab